Receive email today about Pig fat in food. Normally momma cannot remember that long code list. So momma frens propose to print that code list & keep in wallet or your phone. What a brilliant idea, right?!! . So while shopping we still can check & confirm Halal haram those item.

He also highlights that below "jajan" is not HALAL although there is Logo HALAL. So please sharing & highlights is this true or not. Sharing is caring!!

When ever I surf on web I come to this website[url=].[/url]Lots of good information here Do you pay attention towards your health?. In plain english I must warn you that, you are not serious about your health. Research indicates that closely 50% of all United States adults are either fat or overweight[url=].[/url] So if you're one of these citizens, you're not alone. Its true that we all can't be like Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Megan Fox, and have sexy and perfect six pack abs. Now the question is how you are planning to have quick weight loss? You can easily lose with with little effort. If you improve some of your daily diet habbits then, its like piece of cake to quickly lose weight.
About me: I am blogger of [url=]Quick weight loss tips[/url]. I am also health expert who can help you lose weight quickly. If you do not want to go under painful training program than you may also try [url=]Acai Berry[/url] or [url=]Colon Cleansing[/url] for fast weight loss.