On 19.12.09 - We had a visit to Zoo Negara, Hulu Klang. We almost cancel the trip due to raining. Alhamdulillah after we get the parking, rain2 go away... The trip was amazing and we had so much fun coz
- Damia lately is very excited when she see animals in TV and books i.e lion, tiger, elephant. Now she get experience to see the animal live. Imagine how excited she is.
- Damia already started to walk. So she gets to explore, enjoy & experience the whole journey at the zoo... hihi cian anak momma, berpeluh2...
- Iman & Imran, Damia's cousin from Kelantan join the trip
Picture says the thousand words
Picture says the thousand words

(Punyer ler excited dak Damia nih, siap tunjuk lagi. Tak takut pulak tu)

- Momma & Damia happy time togehter -
(abaikan gambar momma yg senget sambil dokong Damia tu, Now i'm preggy 5 months)

(Momma suke tgk gamba abah berpayung dgn Damia.. so sweeet)
aufa kn tunggu pandai jln dlu br ummi kata nak bwk.sian dia.hahaha.