SubhanAllah,smlm merupakan pertama kali berpisah jauh dengan Dzakirah selepas penyusuan 2 tahun nih. Utk makluman, Pump momma sudah pun digantung, setelah 2 minggu mencapai penyusuan 2 tahun. So no more tendum pumping, hanya direct feed jer 3x sehari. Pagi, tengahari & malam.
Semalam sebelum subuh dah bertotak ke Kerteh. So 2 hari 1 malam Dzakirah akan rindu dgn "dedek" nya... Tadi call nenek kata sian Dzakirah semalam... dia mencari2 tapi tak mahu berkata-kata... Nasib baik juga dia nak minum susu botol, kalo tak lagi risau momma...
Momma kul 4 pagi dah terjaga. Rasa sakit didada. MasyaAllah masih bengkak rupanya. Ingatkan sebab dah tak mengepam tak akan rasa bengkak, Akibatnya terpaksa bangun terus mandi sambil memerah. Tuhan sahaja yang tahu betapa sayunya hati nih. Alangkah bagus kalau Dzakirah dapat minum susu itu. Betul la kata Dzakirah, bila dia menyusu momma tanya banyak susu? Dia pasti mengangguk sambil menyusu.
For those yang masih berjuang dalam perjalanan penyusuan anda, Have Faith! cer renung2kan this nice quote.
- BreastFeeding is truly a beautiful dance you and your baby learn - it takes time, patience, love and determination. in the beginning it is very difficult to trust your body and know that you will make enough (you made that gorgeous baby, you have the ability to nurture it too) - for the first time your baby is experiencing the sensation of feeling hunger, so they suck frantically to get food and will likely complain as they get used to the feeling of being hungry then full. latching can be very frustrating for both baby and mom...but again- with practice and persistence it will be the best gift you can give your child-health wise and bonding wise.
- the suggestion by mother-in-laws, doctors and nosey friends to top-up with formula is your worst enemy, your crutch to allowing your body to make milk. the more baby sucks, the more you make... it takes TIME! Your baby, your body, your boobs are all doing something they have never done before - it take practice.
- milk may only 'come in' anywhere from 4 - 10 days! mine only arrived a week later, while i was a wreck thinking it would never happen-it did happen as it was supposed to :)
- I am not going to wish you luck or anything, but rather remind you that it is a very normal and natural ability we have. embrace it, trust the process and relax! deal with the potential pains and latching lessons accordingly - but its all part of the dance you are learning and enjoying! ~ Wendy Raising Natural Kids
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