Last Saturday, 2nd January 2010 - we received last minute invitation to go to Sunway Lagoon. Actually Tok Man had an office Family Day, Tok Cik & Anis unable to go due to high fever. So there is 2 more tickets available. Hihi rezeki2... so momma agree to go coz we ouls can celebrate Abah Damia bufday at Sunway Lagoon + have new year holiday... 2-in-1 right??!!
To Abah - Happy bufday dear (01.01.10). Wish you have a good health, plenty of love & excitement at lifes . Pls take a very good care of your beloved family. Momma & Damia luv you always dear!!

" After spent a wonderful time for almost 1 full day, we decided to go home. Look at Damia, not tiring at all. She realy had an amazing & fun day.
But before we go home, we continue our journey to Sunway Piramid for Family bufday celebration dinner at The Manhattan Fish Market. No photo coz we enjoy our dinner very much... huhu..."

best if have quality time with family cmni.jeles la.abi aufa asik bz je.ari2 keje..:(
Semoga Abah dpt tukar ke Shah Alam or KL soon. Amin!!