To Mom Bloggers Planet (MBP) & all the committee ==> Good Job for having such a wonderful 1st Anniversary Gathering on 24th January 2010, Sunday at Tasik Shah Alam Timur. It was such a great & fun event, although we arrived late. SoSorryyy... blame Damia (huhu), sbb susah nk bangun tido... lena diulit mimpi, sian lak nk kejutkan. MommaMia kul 5 dah bangun buat fruit Jelly. We ouls arrived around 10am, thanks to Nini sanggup accept our registration with a lovely smile. Thanks dear!! 2 thumbs up also to all yummiesss food, sponsorship and doorgifts!!
Looks sape yg MommaMia jumpa masa the event...
Looks sape yg MommaMia jumpa masa the event...

Watie due awal bulan April
MommaMia 18 April 2010
Raudhah bulan May 2010
During the event also we ouls jumpa MamaAqish a.k.a Ina
yg slalu sharing info tempat2 SALES yg menarik sekitar Malaysia tuh & rajin buat contest!

- Mel & Mika - http://mommymelly.blogspot.com/
- Jiey & Ian - http://kernakasihkita.blogspot.com/
- Azza & Airyll - http://azzamoro.blogspot.com/
- Jiji & Anis - http://triplecolourlife.com/blog/
- Farah & Afif - http://mylildreamz.blogspot.com/
- Haiza & Damia - http://mamaadablog.blogspot.com/
- Ros & Izzah - http://littlemamadiary.com/
- Isabella - http://thesnowwybear.blogspot.com/
- Yana BabyIbu - http://babyibu.blogspot.com/
- SumiJelly - http://sumijelly.com/
- Mommy Lyna - http://mysuperkids.net/ (nampak dr jauh jer. nak tegur dah tak jumpa, mkin balik awal kot)
- Ellise & Nuha - http://elissmie.blogspot.com/
- Jeela & Risya - http://selangseli.blogspot.com/
- Nia & Diha - http://unlistedone.blogspot.com/
- Fatin & Emir - http://lilcuterascalz.blogspot.com/
- CikLilyPutih - http://www.sigilatv.blogspot.com/
p/s: nantikan entry ke-2 for happy & cheeky faces at the gathering
yup,congats to all comiittee!!
i was there too.. sorry x tegur
x kenal and SEGAN!
anyway, hopefully lepas ni kita boleh terus bertegur sapa di alam maya :)
P/s: Watie kalo bab bercerita/bercakap mmg power! Mmg suka dgr dia berceloteh :D
tu lah pasal, mulut i ni takder insurans sket, wkakaka..tu pun baru sikit jer u nampak sebab bila preggy kan mengah, wkakaka..kalau tak, lagi laju i cakap..aahhahaha... tak hengat dunia bila berborak..ahaks ..
keep in touch kay yang ..:)
Congrat to all committee!!!! :)
bestnya dapat borak2 dgn mombloggers yg lelain cam I tak de
can pun nak borak2..
kene cakap pun guna mic jelah..
sesama sori ler yer... i prasan gak u tapi tak tau caner nk tegur. Hope we can get to know better di alam maya. :)
Thanks dear!!
I dh ltk gambar kita hari tu..hehe.