Ultrasound scn on 3.9.09 from DEMC
baby 8.1mm, 6 week 5 days

My 1st Trimester (1-12 Weeks : Aug09 ~ Nov09) - What can i say??
2nd Baby - Adik "D"
- Morning sickness - still not so bad, almost similar with my 1st baby. only once momma vomiting. Yes .. still hate that feeling during the vomiting!!
- During 2nd baby also didn’t have any appetite problem... all kind of food looks delicious but this time momma like to eat or drink sweet food & water. My favourite M&M and Tropicana Juice Oren.
- Having very bad back problem. During early pregnancy momma do travel a lot, outstation to Kertih & Pasir Gudang... tiring. It became worst until momma got very bad headaches when ever look at PC.
- Momma can't feel my baby is moving at all
- Momma can't see much different in momma belly size
- Momma did drink coffee. Twice. One black coffee and another one is Nescafe. It's happen during momma having meeting at client office. The aroma too tempting. I can't help my self.
- Morning sickness - not so bad ler, as far as momma remember only once momma vomiting. Yikes.. hate the feeling during the vomiting!
- Momma didn’t have any appetite problem... all kind of food seems delicious. Momma favorite Kinde-Bueno chocolate. yum yum.. Easy peasy for Abah, but kopak ler jugak...hihihi!
- No back problem during my 1st Trimester but happen during my 3rd Trimester
- Momma can feel baby is moving
- Momma can see a bit different in momma belly size
- Not drink and even touch coffee
- She like to play2 until 1am-3am Don't want to sleep early. To make her sleep both of us have to watch Barney & Friends or Upin & Ipin togehter. Well sometimes its works but sometimes not. So tido depan TV di ruang tamu jer momma.
- Always wake-up 2-3 times around 1am-5am.
- After wake-up, MESTI MAU momma dukong sambil berdiri until she fall asleep again. Sometime bagi susu pun ok.
- 24Hours wants to see momma in front of her. To go to toilet also very hard coz Damia will cry & knock2 the door.
- Like to cry. The problem its not normal crying. She cries like we ouls pukul dia, melalak...
damia perangai sama dgn aufa.perangai nak dpt adik cmtula...muahs to mia cute!! pandai btol dia bergaya!
jeles la
Ha ha...nie lah masa nya utk damia "bolot" ibu dia sorang2 before adik dia keluar...takpe damia, nanti lagi best coz damia ada kawan leh main2 ye sayang :D
insyaAllah one fine day Intan. Kami sekeluarga doakan.
Memang dak Damia nih suke benar berkawan biler jumpa ramai budak2 baya dia. rajin menegur...