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Apa itu healing crisis??


Apa itu healing crisis??
HEALING CRISIS adalah kesan yang dapat dirasai oleh mereka yang mengambil makanan tambahan. Ini berlaku bila tubuh kita yang yang banyak radikal bebas mula membebaskan toksin dan membina semula sel-sel tubuh, hasil dari pengambilan pemakanan tambahan.

Menurut 'Hering's Law of Cure', 
... semua proses penyembuhan bermula dari dalam ke luar, dari kepala ke badan yakni pada keadaan bertentangan sepertimana sesuatu penyakit itu menampakkan tanda -tandanya. Oleh yang demikian, tisu2 dan sel2 mula membuang toksin. Jadi, mereka yang pertama kali mengambil nutrien bermutu ini akan mula berasa tak sedap badan, mungkin nak demam, sakit kepala, sakit pinggang, muntah2 dan sebagainya. 
Kenapakah proses pembuangan toksin boleh mendatangkan kesan sedemikian? Sebenarnya ia bukan kesan sampingan atau side effect, sebaliknya tindakbalas normal, dan sekiranya anda menghadapi krisis penyembuhan ia adalah petanda yang elok. Maknanya sistem badan anda mula bekerja untuk menjana sel-sel baru dalam tubuh.

Jom lihat healing crisis/tanda2 lain dan possible reason nya...

Healing Crisis
Possible Reasons/Causes
Lethargy, sleepiness
Acidic body, poor liver function, over exhausted, need more rest
Headache, heavy headed
High blood pressure, sign of detoxification
Fever, slight fever, restlessness
Increase metabolism, stimulate body immune function
Diarrhea, increase bowel movements, passing out a dark, smelly stool, foul-smelly urine
Sign of detoxification, accumulated waste and residue in the colon
Flatulence, gassy stomach
Poor digestive system
Break out, rashes, itchy skin, bad sweat, mucus secretion, dandruff
Poor liver function, poor colon health and elimination system
Mucus production such as, phlegm, running nose
Poor lung function, passing out phlegm is also a sign of detoxification
Nasal bleeding
May be a sign of anaemia
Muscles and joints are aching and pain
Acidic body, toxins accumulated at the affected area
Increased pain in affected part of body
Speed up the healing process
Insomnia or hyperactive
Poor nervous system
Irregular period, changes in period, itchy bottom, increased mucus secretion
Hormonal imbalance, in the process of hormone regulation
Bleeding with bowel movements
May be haemorrhoid
Dizziness, hunger
Hypoglycemia, anaemia
Nausea, constipation, hiccups
Poor digestive system, liver problem
Slight edema (swelling)
Kidney problem

 sebenarnya tak semua orang akan mengalami healing krisis.. ada yang okay je...

QuestionDoes everyone experience same signs and symptoms during healing crisis?
Answer: Everyone is different. Some people experience healing crisis right after he/she took the supplement and others will only occur after a month or two. The severity is also different. The more toxic one’s bodily systems are, the more severe the healing crisis.

Jadi anda jangan risau yer.. Healing crisis is a sign that shows that the treatment or the supplement that you are taking is working... lagipun ia hanya sementara..dan kene ingat sel badan perlu 90 hari utk berubah/bertindak..
