"Kids will do well if they can" is a basic mantra that Dr. Ross Greene, acclaimed psychologist and director of Lives in the Balance , asks parents to keep in mind when dealing with kids. Moms will do well if they can, too, although when it comes to discipline, we don't always do it as well as we can. Keep reading for some of the most common discipline mistakes moms make and regret. 1. Disciplining For Normal Kid Behavior " He makes silly noises , weird voices, the sound effects are amazing and when he's not being irritating, he's a bear," Kelly R. says about her 9-year-old son. Like Kelly, I wonder sometimes what's normal behavior for my kids. With a little one, a middle-size one, and a teenager in my house, it’s sometimes hard for me to switch gears to remember what behavior is developmentally appropriate for each age . I get mad with them for doing annoying things before I remember that's just what kids do at their age...