After Crayon, we introduce Damia with water color. As usual, she so excited and keep exploring, thinking and be creative while doing the coloring. She keep asking to add more color again and again... huhuhu... Really hard to stop her to wash her hand and stop coloring. So let her enjoy!!! But remember!! Make sure the water color is non-toxic and safe for our children. Zassss.. layan her piccas
Damia also enjoy Falsh card session very much. Normally momma buat Flash card session early in the morning sebab waktu nih moood Damia sangat ler sporting. Lepas bangun tido la katakan... hihi dengan tak gosok gigi... hahaha... Damia nih momma tengok fast learner orangnya. Ajar skali jer each of the card + buat ler bunyi-bunyian for each character in the cards. Then bila suruh tunjuk maner Apple, bear, chicken, duck, elephant, fish.. etc she can show the crad correctly. Good gal ler sayang!!! Momma so proud of you. Cuma few words Damia tak dapat bezakan antaranya cow dengan car, banana dengan pisang dan owl.
1. For a start susun semua flash card tu seperti gambar di atas.
2. Then ask her to show where is... or give me...
3. Bila dah mahir sket, sepahkan flash card tuh, terbalikkan... then ulang step 2.
4. Selamat mencuba. Normally it will takes about 5-10 min
- Anak dara momma. Before gie mandi nak flash card dulu -
Arrghhh... i will miss this activities bila start kerja sebab waktu-waktu kami berhomeschool mostly waktu momma bekerja.... nih yang nak jadi W.A.H.M - Working at home mom. My big bos director slalu kata "if you duduk rumah nanti you cepat boring" bila momma bagitau that my dream job is to be full time house wife... hahaha... best tak sharing my dream with the director... InsyaAllah one fine day bos!!!
syoknya nak join bolehhh...