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MommaMia nak tanya - IMPLANON

Anyone have tried IMPLANON? Do share and advice please.... Appreciate so much!! 
  • Sakit ke? 
  • Apa sign effect dia? 
  • kalo BF, susu jadi banyak ke kurang??
  • How your period cycle, normal or different?
  • Berkesan ke? 
  • Brapa lama patut pakai?
  • Adakah implanon yang terbaik atau ada cara lain? 
What is IMPLANON®?

IMPLANON® is a type of birth control for women. It is a flexible plastic rod the size of a matchstick that is put under the skin of your arm.

IMPLANON® contains a hormone called etonogestrel. You can use a single IMPLANON® rod for up to three years. Because IMPLANON® does not contain estrogen, your healthcare provider may recommend IMPLANON® even if you cannot use estrogen.

How does IMPLANON® work?

IMPLANON® prevents pregnancy in several ways. The most important way is by stopping release of an egg from your ovary. IMPLANON® also changes the mucus in your cervix and this change may keep sperm from reaching the egg. Also, IMPLANON® changes the lining of your uterus.

How well does IMPLANON® work?

If IMPLANON® is inserted correctly, your chance of getting pregnant is very low (less than one pregnancy per 100 women who use IMPLANON® for one year). IMPLANON® must be removed by the end of the third year and may be replaced with a new IMPLANON®. It is not known if IMPLANON® is as effective in very overweight women because clinical studies did not include many overweight women. Certain medicines may make IMPLANON® less effective, and you may also need to use a barrier method of contraception while you are using these medicines. must be removed by the end of the third year and may be replaced with a new IMPLANON. It is not known if IMPLANON® is as effective in very overweight women because clinical studies did not include many overweight women. Certain medicines may make IMPLANON® less effective, and you may also need to use a barrier method of contraception while you are using these medicines.

What are the benefits of IMPLANON®?

Effective - IMPLANON® is more than 99% effective: the chance of getting pregnant is less than 1 pregnancy per 100 women who use IMPLANON® for 1 year when IMPLANON® is inserted correctly. IMPLANON® prevents pregnancy in several ways. The most important way is by stopping release of an egg from your ovary. IMPLANON® also thickens the cervical mucus, which acts as a barrier to prevent sperm from fertilizing an egg.

IMPLANON® must be removed by the end of the third year and may be replaced with a new IMPLANON®. It is not known if IMPLANON® is as effective in very overweight women because studies did not include many overweight women.  Tell your healthcare provider about any medicines you are taking, or intend to take, including over-the-counter medicines, herbal remedies, and prescription medicines. Certain medicines may make IMPLANON® less effective and you may need to use a barrier method of contraception as backup.

Discreet - Most women can’t see IMPLANON® after insertion. Only you and your healthcare provider will know you’re using it. For this reason, you should tell all of your healthcare providers if you are using IMPLANON®.

You should be able to feel where IMPLANON® is by gently pressing on your skin in the area where it was inserted. However, to reduce the risk of infection, you should not touch the insertion site until it has healed.

Reversible - Once IMPLANON® is successfully removed, your ability to get pregnant usually returns quickly. Some women have become pregnant within days after removal of IMPLANON®. After removal, if you do not want to become pregnant, you should start another birth control method right away.

What to expect

Your healthcare provider will insert (or remove) IMPLANON® in a minor surgical procedure in his or her office. IMPLANON® is inserted just under the skin on the inner side of your upper arm. The timing of insertion is important. Depending on your history, your healthcare provider may ask you to:
  • Have a pregnancy test before insertion
  • Schedule the insertion at a specific time of your cycle (for example, within the first days of your regular menstrual bleeding)
  • Use a backup method of birth control, such as condoms, for seven days after IMPLANON® insertion
Both you and your healthcare provider should check that IMPLANON® is in your arm by feeling the IMPLANON® implant. If you and your healthcare provider cannot feel IMPLANON®, use a non-hormonal birth control method such as condoms until your healthcare provider confirms that IMPLANON® is in place. You may need special tests to check that IMPLANON® is in place or to help find IMPLANON® when it is time to take it out.

You will be asked to review and sign a consent form prior to inserting IMPLANON®. You will also get a USER CARD to keep at home with your health records. Your healthcare provider will fill out the insertion and removal dates. Keep track of the removal date and schedule an appointment for removal with your healthcare provider on or before the removal date.
The insertion site is covered with two bandages. Leave the top bandage on for 24 hours. Keep the smaller bandage dry, clean, and in place for three to five days. Be sure to have checkups as advised by your healthcare provider.

Side effect of IMPLANON®
The most common side effect of IMPLANON® is a change in your menstrual periods. In studies, about 1 in 10 women stopped using IMPLANON® because of bleeding problems. Expect your menstrual periods to be irregular and unpredictable throughout the time you are using IMPLANON®. You may have more bleeding, less bleeding, or no bleeding. The time between periods may vary, and in between periods you may have spotting. Other common side effects reported in women using IMPLANON® during clinical trials include: headache; vaginitis; weight gain; acne; breast pain; viral infections such as colds, sore throats, sinus infections, or flu-like symptoms; stomach pain; painful periods; mood swings; nervousness or depression; back pain; nausea; dizziness; pain; and pain at the site of insertion.

Info from :


firahadifa said…
u nak pakai implan ke ?hrmm.. i tak de idea.. by my sil pakai , dia keluarkan pregnent semula . tapi kesan dia bergantung pada individu...
ntah.. saya tak pakai implanon. i use IUCD. Normally dr apa yg saya tahu, doc akan bagi suntikan yg 3 bln tu dulu before do the implan. coz nk tgk sesuai or tak. Dia takkan pasang terus. Hari tu saya pun ada niat nk pasang implan ni. Tapi doc suggestkan IUCD. Lagi pun dia kata implan ni agak leceh sbb kena buat minor surgery (nak masuk & keluarkan)
Mama Zharfan said…
i psg benda ni masa i dok cni bln jan 2010, so it's free

tak sakit, dia bius utk masukkna benda tu, 5 min siap..
tahan sampai jan 2013, kalau nak keluarkan bila2 msa pun ok, and period cycle akan back to normal.
now suzi tak dpt period since april (dh almost 3 bln)
tu jer kot side effect, tahap keberkesanan more than 99%, jrg2 benar org preggy kalau pakai benda ni Insya Allah..
me BF, tp tak effect my BF pun
appetitte, tak sure, sbb kat sini sejuk, me memang suka mkn :) tp gain weight on off ikut tahap me mkn byk ke tak..
nak tau apa2 lg just email me :
Ummi Salsabila said…
Kak Alin,kite pun ada plan nak wat really dont have any idea bout it.kite tumpang bc komen2 mommies lain.:)
Unknown said…
no ideas... heheh..
kakyong tak penah guna/makan pil perancang..
alinalan said…
@firahadifa - Since kali nih niat nk BF 2 tahun so doktor propose to use implan. ni tengah survey2.. lgpun kan c-sect
alinalan said…
@CERITAKUASN - uikss kene minor surgery ke nk masuk kuarkan batang tuh.. doc tak cakap pun... kene compem nih
alinalan said…
@mama zharfan - Thanks suzie for sharing ur xperience. Nnti detail alin email yer. Wah freee best nya kat sini kene bayor lerr
alinalan said…
@Ummi Salsabila - Odah pun nak buat ker?? Wah nnti ada geng nih.. hihihi
alinalan said…
@kakyong - takpe kak yong. iku hati tak mau rancang2 gak tp sejak kene c-sect nih ada gak terpk-pk nk rancang sket
Anonymous said…
salam kenalan ...

implan ? emmm huby zura x kasi pakai , cz bnda tu ala2 cm susuk kan , wat nye kite pendek umur ? adakah org tau dlm bdn kite ado benda tu ? hhuhuhuhuu bile pk risau kan ..

zura banak czer, huby x kasi makan sebarangan .. cz takut efect pd bby and peranakkan kite..
mostly kwn2 zura makan pil, but tang bersama huby 'OUT' tau..

alhamdulillah , now zura setia bersama MAKJUN ANGGUN BISTARI yg zura amalkan & jual ..
mmg makjun ni tuk rancang kehamilan dgn selamat .. zura dh makan 2thn lebeh dh ..

sapo2 nak try , meh ke blog ku ...
Faisya said…
implan no idea..tapi me use injection far ok, cuma berat sungguh susah nak turun..tapi me x bf bb dah...
sblm amik injection ni, me decide nak amik implan coz senang, x fikir ape dah.tapi mc kat lppkn tu advice better me amik injection memandang berat bdn me BERAT, sbb kesan implan ni kenaikan berat bdn dia suh try injection dulu..injection pun berat naik pun 1 kg, turun pun 1 kg (takuk situ je ler)...Period mmg x menentu bila dah inject ni, ada skalu tu dtgnya 2 hari tapi skit je la, kdg tu secalit, pernah sekali je berhari2 period sampai 2 minggu tapi sikit je la periodnya..
D'lla said…
sebenarnya benda nih bergantung kt individu atau kemampuan..kt malaysia kn bayar,kalo uk,nak masukkn or buang free ja..Dila dh dekat setahun since baru simptom period lama for 6 sikit jer..hubby memahami..then lps tu,dia mula nk serasi dgn badan..side effect period yg paling obvious sekali dlm byk2 kes.. :D next week nk remove,plan buat baby :D
D'lla said…
update : buang implanon bulan 6,2011.period normal ja lps tu..
.alhamdulillah..kandungan baru 5minggu :) mula2, exercise, then makan acid folic sampai dpt tau pregnant..byk mkn tauge..cek waktu subur..plan baby.. :)